Most people say that the best part of traveling is the journey itself, and while this may be true for roadtrips, that is not the case for flights. Flights are rather stressful, especially if they are long (10 hours or more duration time). So how best can you pass the time? Luckily we have a few ideas for you
Get some shut-eye
By get some shut-eye, we mean sleeping of cause. It is the easiest way to pass the time on a long flight. What even more amazing, you will disembark the plane feeling refreshed and energized.
Stream TV shows and movies
This is the only time that we will encourage you to binge-watch television shows and movies. With at least 10 hours or more to spare, why not spend it watching all the episodes to the hit TV shows that you love. Personally, I would spend it watching reruns of #GOT (you know what I mean). Before you know it, the captain will be signaling for you to prepare for landing.
Read a Book
Have ever found a more perfect time to read that book you have been meaning to read? Well, on a flight such as this, you have all the time you need to catch on your Jeffrey Archers or Hemmingways. So get lost in the words before you get lost in at your destination.
Video Games
Be sure to stock up on video games in your phone and to carry a portable gaming console if you have one. These are also a great way to pass the time. Just don’t overdo them. Video games can be as exhaustive as the duration of the flight itself. You will need your energy once you reach your destination.
I don’t mean get up and run in the airplane corridor. What I mean is, do some light exercises and stretches that can be done whilst seated. Long periods spend seated can lead to muscle aches and cramps which can add to the overall stress associated with a long flight. Light exercises help to minimize this so that you can enjoy your flight. Click on the link for more Information
These are some of the things you can do to make that long flight more bearable. But honestly, the list is endlessly. Research beforehand and plan how you are going to spend those 17 hours above air. Make your flight experience as enjoyable as possible. Travel like the pro that you are.